There are 465 schools in Nottinghamshire (excluding independent schools), including 365 primary schools, 64 secondary schools, and 5 serving sixth-form education. Nottinghamshire has 2 schools with Pupil Referral Unit places, and 1 with places for teen mothers. There are 2 schools in Nottinghamshire under Special Measures.
Summary of School Information in Nottinghamshire
Total Schools | 465 |
Total Pupils | 173,001 |
Median Pupil/Teacher Ratio | 19.91 |
Median Free School Meals | 22% |
The median school in Nottinghamshire has 22% of its pupils entitled to free schools meals, the 14th highest figure in England. This represents about 38,000 pupils, or approximately 1 in 4.5 of Nottinghamshire's pupils. Looking at the number of pupils per teacher, the median ratio for Nottinghamshire is 19.91 school children per full-time equivalent teacher. This is the 12th highest ratio in England, and the 1st highest pupil/teacher ratio in the East Midlands region of the UK.
The 2 schools in Nottinghamshire operating with pupil referral units offer 116 PRU places to the local area. For teen mothers, there are an unknown number of places available (data quality standards vary) from the single school providing places for teen mothers.
Looking at schools offering support for special educational needs, ; and .
Nottingham has the largest number of schools in Nottinghamshire, 100 in total. This is followed by Mansfield with 34 schools, and Beeston with 18 schools.
4.93% Outstanding • 76% Good
11% Outstanding • 63% Good
Sixth Forms
0% Outstanding • 80% Good
Most of Nottinghamshire's primary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 276 schools or 76% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between high and very high - about 19% and 19% of primary schools respectively - though we don't have data for approximately 19% of schools. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Nottinghamshire's primary schools most commonly have a very high ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | KS2 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Abbey Gates Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Very high |
Abbey Hill Primary & Nursery | 2–11 yrs | 322 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Abbey Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 | |||||
Abbey Road Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 | |||||
Albany Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
Low |
Albany Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Alderman Pounder Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 237 |
Good |
Very high |
All Hallows CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very high |
Church of England | |
All Saints Anglican/Methodist Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Church of England/Methodist | |
Ambleside Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 570 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Very high |
Annesley Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 236 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Archbishop Cranmer Church of England Academy | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
High |
High |
Church of England | ||
Arnbrook Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
Arno Vale Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Arnold Mill Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Arnold View Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 345 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Asquith Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Awsworth Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 330 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Bagthorpe Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 165 |
Good |
High |
High |
Barnby Road Academy Primary and Nursery school | 3–11 yrs | 525 |
Good |
High |
Beardall Fields Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 330 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Beckingham Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Beeston Fields Primary School and Nursery | 3–11 yrs | 276 |
Good |
Very high |
Very low |
Beeston Rylands Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 200 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Bentinck Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
High |
Good |
Berridge Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 730 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Berry Hill Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy | 3–11 yrs | 257 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Bingham Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 236 | |||||
Birklands Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Bishop Alexander L.E.A.D. Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Very low |
Very low |
Bleasby Church of England Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 157 |
Good |
Good |
Church of England | ||
Blessed Robert Widmerpool Catholic Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 240 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
Blidworth Oaks Primary School | 2–11 yrs | 315 | |||||
Blue Bell Hill Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 480 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Bluecoat Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 446 |
Good |
Church of England | |||
Bracken Lane Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Bramcote CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Church of England | |
Bramcote Hills Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Brierley Forest Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 | |||||
Brinsley Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Brocklewood Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 600 |
Good |
High |
High |
Brookside Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 315 | |||||
Broomhill Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 300 |
Good |
High |
High |
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Church of England | |
Bunny CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Church of England | |
Burford Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 235 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Burntstump Seely CofE Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 120 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Church of England | |
Burton Joyce Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Butler's Hill Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 225 |
Good |
High |
Cantrell Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Carnarvon Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 490 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Carr Hill Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 510 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Carrington Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Caunton Dean Hole CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 58 |
Good |
Very low |
Very low |
Church of England | |
Chetwynd Spencer Academy | 5–11 yrs | 420 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Very high |
Christ Church C of E Primary School | 3–10 yrs | 150 |
Good |
High |
Church of England | ||
Church Vale Primary School and Foundation Unit | 3–11 yrs | 195 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Chuter Ede Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 630 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very high |
Clarborough Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Claremont Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 460 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Coddington CofE Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Church of England | |
Coppice Farm Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 209 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Costock CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Church of England | |
Cotgrave Candleby Lane School | 3–11 yrs | 546 |
High |
Good |
Cotgrave Church of England Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 | Church of England | ||||
Crabtree Farm Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 480 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Crescent Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Good |
Croft Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Cropwell Bishop Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 203 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Crossdale Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
High |
Cuckney CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 140 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Church of England | |
Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 367 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Djanogly Northgate Academy | 2–11 yrs | 918 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Djanogly Sherwood Academy | 2–11 yrs |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Djanogly Strelley Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Dovecote Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Dunham-on-Trent CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Dunkirk Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 410 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
East Bridgford St Peters Church of England Academy | 4–11 yrs | 294 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Church of England | |
East Markham Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 190 |
Good |
Very high |
Very low |
Eastlands Junior School (Welbeck Federation of Schools) | 7–11 yrs | 160 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Good |
Edale Rise Primary & Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Edgewood Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Edna G. Olds Academy | 3–11 yrs | 255 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Low |
Edwalton Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Elkesley Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Ernehale Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 210 |
Low |
Ernehale Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Eskdale Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 280 |
Outstanding |
Good |
Good |
Everton Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Fairfield Spencer Academy | 5–11 yrs | 660 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Farmilo Primary School and Nursery | 3–11 yrs | 352 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Farnsfield St Michael's Church of England Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 280 |
Very high |
Church of England | |||
Fernwood Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 1,050 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Firbeck Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Very low |
Flintham Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Forest Fields Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Forest Glade Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 | |||||
Forest Town Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
High |
Gamston CofE (Aided) Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 98 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 98 | Church of England | ||||
Gateford Park Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Gilthill Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Glade Hill Primary & Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Glenbrook Spencer Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Gotham Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Greasley Beauvale Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 380 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Greenfields Community School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Greenwood Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Greythorn Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Gunthorpe CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Church of England | |
Haddon Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Haggonfields Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 175 | |||||
Halam Church of England Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 113 | Church of England | ||||
Hallcroft Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 135 |
Good |
Good |
Harworth CofE Academy | 4–11 yrs | 206 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Hawthorne Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 315 | |||||
Haydn Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
High |
Healdswood Infants' and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
Low |
Heatherley Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Heathfield Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 700 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Heathlands Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 189 | |||||
Hempshill Hall Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Henry Whipple Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Hetts Lane Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
High |
Heymann Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 648 |
Good |
Good |
High |
High Oakham Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 428 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Highbank Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 377 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Hillocks Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 329 | |||||
Hillside Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Hogarth Academy | 3–11 yrs | 262 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Holgate Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Requires improvement |
Very high |
Very high |
Holly Hill Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 350 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Holly Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Hollywell Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
High |
Holy Cross Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
Holy Family Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
Holy Family Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 | Roman Catholic | ||||
Holy Trinity Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
Holy Trinity CofE Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 75 |
Very low |
Church of England | |||
Horsendale Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Hucknall Flying High Academy | 2–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Hucknall National Church of England Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 | Church of England | ||||
Huntingdon Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Low |
Huthwaite All Saints Church of England Infant and Nursery School | 2–7 yrs | 90 | Church of England | ||||
Intake Farm Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Jacksdale Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 255 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
James Peacock Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 317 |
Requires improvement |
Very high |
Jesse Gray Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
John Blow Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Good |
John Clifford Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 390 | |||||
John Hunt Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 | |||||
John T Rice Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 150 |
Good |
High |
Jubilee L.E.A.D. Academy | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
Keyworth Primary and Nursery School | 2–11 yrs | 158 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
Killisick Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Kimberley Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
King Edward Primary School & Nursery | 3–11 yrs | 450 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
High |
King Edwin Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 472 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Kingston Park Academy | 3–11 yrs | 249 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Kingsway Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
High |
Kinoulton Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 140 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Kirkby Woodhouse School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Kirklington Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Kneesall CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Lady Bay Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Lake View Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
High |
Lambley Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Langar CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Church of England | |
Langold Dyscarr Community School | 3–11 yrs | 306 |
Very high |
Lantern Lane Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Larkfields Infant School | 5–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
High |
Larkfields Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Lawrence View Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Leamington Primary and Nursery Academy | 3–11 yrs | 461 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Leas Park Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Leen Mills Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
High |
Leverton Church of England Academy | 2–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very low |
Very low |
Church of England | |
Linby-cum-Papplewick CofE (VA) Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 119 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Good |
Church of England | |
Lovers Lane Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 205 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Good |
Lowdham CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Outstanding |
High |
High |
Church of England | |
Lowe's Wong Anglican Methodist Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 400 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England/Methodist | |
Lowe's Wong Infant School | 5–7 yrs | 206 | |||||
Manor Park Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
High |
Mansfield Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Mapperley Plains Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Very high |
Good |
Mattersey Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 70 |
Good |
Very low |
Very low |
Maun Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Requires improvement |
Very high |
Melbury Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 254 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Mellers Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 472 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Middleton Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 570 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Millside Spencer Academy | 3–11 yrs | 236 | |||||
Misson Primary School | 2–11 yrs | 112 |
Good |
Very low |
Very low |
Misterton Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Mornington Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 300 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Morven Park Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Mount CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 | Church of England | ||||
Muskham Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 209 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Netherfield Infant School (Welbeck Federation of Schools) | 3–7 yrs | 120 |
Good |
Low |
Netherfield Primary School | 2–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Nettleworth Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Newlands Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Newstead Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 140 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Norbridge Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Very high |
Normanton-on-Soar Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 83 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Very low |
North Clifton Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 56 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
North Wheatley Church of England Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 130 |
Outstanding |
Good |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Northfield Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 450 |
Requires improvement |
High |
Very high |
Norwell CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 70 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Church of England | |
Nottingham Academy | 3–19 yrs | 3,570 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Oak Tree Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 320 |
Low |
Old Basford School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
High |
Good |
Orchard Primary School and Nursery | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Ordsall Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 594 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Orston Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 175 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Our Lady & St Edward Primary & Nursery Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 268 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Roman Catholic | |
Parkdale Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Peafield Lane Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Phoenix Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
Very high |
Pierrepont Gamston Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Pinewood Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Outstanding |
Low |
Porchester Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 180 |
Good |
High |
High |
Portland Spencer Academy | 3–11 yrs | 390 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Priestsic Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Priory Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 258 |
Good |
Very high |
Prospect Hill Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Queen Eleanor Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 80 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Radcliffe-on-Trent Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 270 |
Good |
Very high |
Radcliffe-on-Trent Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Radford Primary School Academy | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Rampton Primary School | 2–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Ramsden Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 236 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Ranby CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Church of England | |
Ranskill Primary School | 2–11 yrs | 140 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Ravenshead CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 435 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Church of England | |
Redlands Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 410 |
Requires improvement |
High |
Good |
Richard Bonington Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 | |||||
Rise Park Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
High |
Rivendell Flying High Academy | 3–11 yrs | 236 | |||||
Robert Mellors Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 360 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Robert Miles Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
High |
Robert Miles Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 480 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Robin Hood Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Rosecliffe Spencer Academy | 3–11 yrs | 335 | |||||
Rosslyn Park Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 690 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Round Hill Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 525 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Rufford Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 472 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Samuel Barlow Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 280 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Scotholme Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 480 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Seely Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 575 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Selston Church of England Infant and Nursery School | 2–7 yrs | 75 | Church of England | ||||
Serlby Park Academy | 3–16 yrs | 1,230 |
Good |
High |
High |
Sherwood Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Sir Edmund Hillary Primary and Nursery School | 2–11 yrs | 420 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Very high |
Sir John Sherbrooke Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 200 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Skegby Junior Academy | 7–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Snape Wood Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Sneinton St Stephen's CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Very high |
Low |
Church of England | ||
South Wilford Endowed CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Church of England | |
Southglade Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Southwark Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 720 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Southwold Primary School and Early Years' Centre | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Sparken Hill Academy | 3–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Springbank Academy | 3–11 yrs | 250 | |||||
Springfield Academy | 3–11 yrs | 220 |
Good |
High |
Low |
St Andrew's CofE Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 294 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Church of England | |
St Ann's Well Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Good |
St Anne's CofE (Aided) Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Church of England | |
St Augustine's Catholic Primary and Nursery School, A Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 356 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Roman Catholic | |
St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 420 |
Requires improvement |
Very high |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
St Edmund's CofE (C) Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Church of England | |
St John's CofE Academy | 5–11 yrs | 446 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Church of England | |
St John's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
St John's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Church of England | |
St Joseph's Catholic Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 270 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
St Luke's CofE (Aided) Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Church of England | |
St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 238 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Roman Catholic | |
St Mary Magdalene CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Church of England | |
St Mary's Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Roman Catholic | |
St Matthew's CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 70 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Church of England | |
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 105 | Roman Catholic | ||||
St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
St Patrick's Catholic Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 214 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
St Peter's CofE Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 360 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Church of England | |
St Peter's CofE Primary Academy, Mansfield | 3–11 yrs | 296 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Church of England | |
St Peter's CofE Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 84 |
Good |
High |
High |
Church of England | |
St Peter's Crosskeys CofE Academy | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
St Philip Neri With St Bede Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Low |
Church of England | |
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
St Wilfrid's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Church of England | |
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
St. Mary's Church of England Primary School, Edwinstowe | 3–11 yrs | 126 |
Good |
Church of England | |||
Standhill Infants' School | 5–7 yrs | 135 |
Good |
Good |
Stanhope Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 440 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Good |
Stanstead Nursery and Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Sturton CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 70 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Church of England | |
Sunnyside Spencer Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Sutton Bonington Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Sutton Road Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Sutton-Cum-Lound CofE School | 4–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Church of England | |
Sutton-On-Trent Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 140 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Sycamore Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
The Bramble Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Good |
The Carlton Infant Academy | 3–7 yrs | 200 |
Good |
Very high |
The Carlton Junior Academy | 7–11 yrs | 200 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
The Florence Nightingale Academy | 3–11 yrs | 418 |
Good |
The Flying High Academy | 3–11 yrs | 480 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
The Forest View Academy | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
The Glapton Academy | 3–11 yrs | 330 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary, Arnold | 3–11 yrs | 351 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
The King's Church of England Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Low |
Church of England | |
The Lanes Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 629 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
The Milford Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
The Parkgate Academy | 2–11 yrs | 439 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
The Primary School of St Mary and St Martin | 3–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Church of England | |
The Priory Catholic Voluntary Academy | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Catholic | |
The Python Hill Academy | 5–11 yrs | 350 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
The Sacred Heart Primary Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Roman Catholic | |
The Sir Donald Bailey Academy | 2–11 yrs | 576 |
Good |
Very high |
Very low |
The St Augustine's Academy | 3–11 yrs | 495 | |||||
The West Park Academy | 3–11 yrs | 290 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Thrumpton Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 203 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Tollerton Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Toton Banks Road Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
Good |
Toton Bispham Drive Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
Very low |
High |
Trent Vale Infant School | 3–7 yrs | 150 |
Good |
High |
Trowell CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Church of England | |
Tuxford Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 337 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Underwood Church of England Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 175 |
Good |
High |
High |
Church of England | |
Victoria Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 401 |
Good |
Very low |
Good |
Wadsworth Fields Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 380 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Wainwright Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 459 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Very high |
Walesby CofE Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 140 |
Requires improvement |
High |
High |
Church of England | |
Walkeringham Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 56 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very low |
Walter Halls Primary and Early Years School | 3–11 yrs | 459 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Warren Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Welbeck Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
High |
Good |
West Bridgford Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 243 |
Outstanding |
High |
West Bridgford Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 340 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Westdale Infant School | 3–7 yrs | 219 |
Good |
High |
Westdale Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 240 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Westglade Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 310 |
Good |
High |
High |
Westwood Infant and Nursery School | 2–7 yrs | 70 |
Good |
Low |
Whitegate Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Whitemoor Academy (Primary and Nursery) | 3–11 yrs | 470 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
William Booth Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
William Lilley Infant and Nursery School | 3–7 yrs | 180 |
Good |
Very high |
Willoughby Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 49 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Willow Brook Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Willow Farm Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Windmill L.E.A.D. Academy | 3–11 yrs | 482 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Winthorpe Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 105 |
Good |
Wood's Foundation CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Woodland View Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 330 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Good |
Woodland View Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 330 | |||||
Woodthorpe Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 180 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Worksop Priory Church of England Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Church of England | |
Wynndale Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
High |
Most of Nottinghamshire's secondary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 40 schools or 63% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between high and very high - about 27% and 20% of secondary schools respectively - though we don't have data for approximately 14% of schools. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Nottinghamshire's secondary schools most commonly have a low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Alderman White School | 11–16 yrs | 725 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
All Saints Catholic Voluntary Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,107 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Roman Catholic | |
Arnold Hill Spencer Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,682 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Ashfield Comprehensive School | 11–18 yrs | 3,146 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Bluecoat Aspley Academy | 11–19 yrs | 1,400 |
Good |
High |
Church of England | ||
Bluecoat Beechdale Academy | 11–16 yrs | 900 |
Good |
Very low |
Bluecoat Trent Academy | 11–16 yrs | 1,200 | |||||
Bluecoat Wollaton Academy | 11–16 yrs | 750 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Church of England | ||
Bramcote College | 11–18 yrs | 600 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Carlton Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,000 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Carlton le Willows Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,446 |
Serious Weaknesses |
Very high |
Good |
Chilwell School | 11–18 yrs | 1,020 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Christ The King Voluntary Academy | 11–18 yrs | 845 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Roman Catholic | |
Colonel Frank Seely Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,091 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Djanogly City Academy | 11–19 yrs | 750 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
East Leake Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,262 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Ellis Guilford School | 11–16 yrs | 1,350 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Farnborough Spencer Academy | 11–16 yrs | 1,050 |
Good |
Good |
Fernwood School | 11–16 yrs | 1,020 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very low |
George Spencer Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,430 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Hall Park Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,100 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Low |
Magnus Church of England Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,050 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Church of England | |
Meden School | 11–18 yrs | 1,356 |
Good |
High |
High |
Nottingham Academy | 3–19 yrs | 3,570 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Nottingham Free School | 11–18 yrs | 626 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Nottingham Girls' Academy | 11–19 yrs | 900 |
Good |
Very high |
Very low |
Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology | 11–19 yrs | 935 |
Good |
High |
Very high |
Nottingham University Samworth Academy | 11–18 yrs | 950 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Outwood Academy Kirkby | 11–16 yrs | 692 | |||||
Outwood Academy Portland | 11–18 yrs | 1,720 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
High |
Outwood Academy Valley | 11–18 yrs | 1,700 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Low |
Park Vale Academy | 11–16 yrs | 950 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Quarrydale Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,550 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Low |
Queen Elizabeth's Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,150 |
Good |
Very low |
Low |
Redhill Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,348 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very low |
Retford Oaks Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,295 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Rushcliffe Spencer Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,920 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Low |
Samworth Church Academy | 11–19 yrs | 900 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Very low |
Church of England | |
Selston High School | 11–16 yrs | 900 |
Good |
Low |
Very low |
Serlby Park Academy | 3–16 yrs | 1,230 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
South Nottinghamshire Academy | 11–18 yrs | 750 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Sutton Community Academy | 11–18 yrs | 900 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
The Becket School | 11–18 yrs | 1,087 |
Good |
Very high |
Very low |
Roman Catholic | |
The Brunts Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,599 |
Special Measures |
High |
Low |
The Bulwell Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,050 |
Special Measures |
Very low |
Very low |
The Dukeries Academy | 11–18 yrs | 750 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
The Elizabethan Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,458 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
The Garibaldi School | 11–18 yrs | 1,224 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
The Holgate Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,379 |
Serious Weaknesses |
Very low |
Low |
The Joseph Whitaker School | 11–18 yrs | 1,250 |
Good |
High |
Low |
The Kimberley School | 11–18 yrs | 1,375 |
Good |
High |
Low |
The Manor Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,450 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
The Minster School | 7–18 yrs | 1,651 |
Low |
Church of England | |||
The National CofE Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,184 |
Good |
Church of England | |||
The Newark Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,110 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
The Nottingham Emmanuel School | 11–19 yrs | 1,150 |
Good |
High |
Church of England | ||
The Oakwood Academy | 11–16 yrs | 750 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
The South Wolds Academy & Sixth Form | 11–18 yrs | 1,114 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
The Suthers School | 11–19 yrs | 830 |
Requires improvement |
Very high |
The Trinity Catholic School A Voluntary Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,125 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
Roman Catholic | |
The Wells Academy | 11–16 yrs | 800 | |||||
The West Bridgford School | 11–18 yrs | 1,332 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Low |
Toot Hill School | 11–18 yrs | 1,850 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Tuxford Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,462 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Most of Nottinghamshire's sixth form schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 4 schools or 80% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between low and very high - about 20% and 20% of sixth form schools respectively - though we don't have data for approximately 60% of schools. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Nottinghamshire's sixth form schools most commonly have a low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Bilborough College | 16–19 yrs |
Good |
Nottingham Academy | 3–19 yrs | 3,570 |
Requires improvement |
Low |
Low |
Nottingham College | 16–99 yrs |
Good |
Serlby Park Academy | 3–16 yrs | 1,230 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
West Nottinghamshire College | 16–99 yrs |
Good |
Most of Nottinghamshire's pupil referral units have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 2 schools or 100% of the total. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Nottinghamshire's pupil referral units most commonly have a very low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Hospital and Home Education PRU | 5–16 yrs |
Good |
Very low |
Wadsworth Fields Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 380 |
Good |
Very high |
Most of Nottinghamshire's schools with teen mother places have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 1 school or 100% of the total. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Nottinghamshire's schools with teen mother places most commonly have a very low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Hospital and Home Education PRU | 5–16 yrs |
Good |
Very low |
City | Primaries | Secondaries | Sixth Forms | Total inc. Others |
Nottingham | 72 | 16 | 3 | 100 |
Mansfield | 24 | 5 | 1 | 34 |
Beeston | 14 | 3 | 0 | 18 |
Sutton in Ashfield | 15 | 2 | 0 | 18 |
Arnold | 12 | 3 | 0 | 16 |
West Bridgford | 12 | 3 | 0 | 15 |
Worksop | 12 | 2 | 0 | 14 |
Kirkby-in-Ashfield | 8 | 2 | 0 | 12 |
Hucknall | 8 | 2 | 0 | 10 |
Retford | 7 | 2 | 0 | 10 |
Mansfield Woodhouse | 6 | 1 | 0 | 8 |
Newark | 7 | 1 | 0 | 8 |
Selston | 6 | 1 | 0 | 7 |
Stapleford | 6 | 1 | 0 | 7 |
Warsop | 6 | 1 | 0 | 7 |
Balderton | 3 | 1 | 0 | 6 |
Bingham | 4 | 1 | 0 | 5 |
Eastwood | 4 | 1 | 0 | 5 |
Ollerton and Boughton | 4 | 1 | 0 | 5 |
Calverton | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
East Leake | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Harworth Bircotes | 4 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Keyworth | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Nuthall | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Southwell | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Bestwood St. Albans | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Cotgrave | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
Greasley | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
Kimberley | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Radcliffe on Trent | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Rainworth | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Ruddington | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
Blidworth | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Carlton in Lindrick | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Clipstone | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Edwinstowe | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Gamston | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Kirklington | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Ravenshead | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Tuxford | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Aslockton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Awsworth | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Babworth | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Beckingham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Bilsthorpe | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Bleasby | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Blyth | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Brinsley | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Bunny | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Burton Joyce | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Caunton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Clarborough and Welham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Coddington | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Collingham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Colwick | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cossall | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Costock | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cropwell Bishop | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Cuckney | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Dunham-on-Trent | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
East Bridgford | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
East Markham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Elkesley | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Elston | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Everton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Farndon | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Farnsfield | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Fernwood | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Flintham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Gotham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Gringley on the Hill | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Gunthorpe | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Halam | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Harby | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Hodsock | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Kinoulton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Kneesall | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Lambley | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Langar cum Barnstone | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Linby | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Lowdham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Mattersey | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Misson | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Misterton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Newstead | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Normanton on Soar | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Normanton on Trent | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
North Clifton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
North Leverton with Habblesthorpe | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
North Muskham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Norwell | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Orston | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Rampton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Ranskill | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Rhodesia | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Shireoaks | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
South Wheatley | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Stoke Bardolph | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Sturton le Steeple | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Sutton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Sutton Bonington | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Sutton-on-Trent | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Tollerton | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Trowell | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Walesby | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Walkeringham | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Willoughby on the Wolds | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Winthorpe | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Woodborough | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |