There are 25 schools in Cleethorpes (excluding independent schools), including 19 primary schools, 4 secondary schools, and none serving sixth-form education. Cleethorpes has no schools with Pupil Referral Unit places, and none with places for teen mothers. There are no schools in Cleethorpes under Special Measures.
Summary of School Information in Cleethorpes
Total Schools | 25 |
Total Pupils | 9,556 |
Median Pupil/Teacher Ratio | 20.89 |
Median Free School Meals | 32% |
The median school in Cleethorpes has 32% of its pupils entitled to free schools meals, the 39th highest figure in Lincolnshire. This represents about 3,000 pupils, or approximately 1 in 3 of Cleethorpes's pupils. Looking at the number of pupils per teacher, the median ratio for Cleethorpes is 20.89 school children per full-time equivalent teacher. This is the 62nd highest ratio in Lincolnshire, and the 607th lowest pupil/teacher ratio in the East Midlands region of the UK.
11% Outstanding • 84% Good
25% Outstanding • 75% Good
Most of Cleethorpes's primary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 16 schools or 84% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between very high and low - about 32% and 26% of primary schools respectively - though we don't have data for approximately 16% of schools. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Cleethorpes's primary schools most commonly have a high ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | KS2 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Bursar Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Very high |
Good |
Elliston Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 393 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Very high |
Enfield Academy of New Waltham | 4–11 yrs | 175 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Humberston Cloverfields Academy | 2–11 yrs | 354 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Middlethorpe Primary Academy | 2–11 yrs | 210 |
Outstanding |
Low |
Very high |
New Waltham Academy | 2–11 yrs | 336 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Old Clee Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Queen Mary Avenue Infant School | 3–7 yrs | 335 |
Good |
High |
Reynolds Primary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Saint Joseph's Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 205 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
Roman Catholic | |
Saint Mary's Catholic Voluntary Academy | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Very high |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
Signhills Academy | 7–11 yrs | 360 |
Very high |
Very high |
Signhills Infant Academy | 5–7 yrs | 270 |
Good |
High |
St Peter's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Very high |
Church of England | |
The Humberston CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Church of England | |
Thrunscoe Primary and Nursery Academy | 3–11 yrs | 315 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Weelsby Academy | 3–11 yrs | 459 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Welholme Academy | 2–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
Low |
High |
William Barcroft Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 360 |
Good |
Most of Cleethorpes's secondary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 3 schools or 75% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between low and good - about 50% and 25% of secondary schools respectively. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Cleethorpes's secondary schools most commonly have a very low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Beacon Academy | 11–16 yrs | 500 |
Good |
Low |
Very low |
Cleethorpes Academy | 11–16 yrs | 900 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Havelock Academy | 11–18 yrs | 1,100 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Humberston Academy | 11–16 yrs | 753 |
Outstanding |
High |
Very high |