There are 58 schools in Brighton and Hove (excluding independent schools), including 41 primary schools, 8 secondary schools, and 2 serving sixth-form education. Brighton and Hove has 1 school with Pupil Referral Unit places, and none with places for teen mothers. There are no schools in Brighton and Hove under Special Measures.
Summary of School Information in Brighton and Hove
Total Schools | 58 |
Total Pupils | 25,923 |
Median Pupil/Teacher Ratio | 19.22 |
Median Free School Meals | 18% |
The median school in Brighton and Hove has 18% of its pupils entitled to free schools meals, the 25th highest figure in East Sussex. This represents about 5,000 pupils, or approximately 1 in 5 of Brighton and Hove's pupils. Looking at the number of pupils per teacher, the median ratio for Brighton and Hove is 19.22 school children per full-time equivalent teacher. This is the 36th highest ratio in East Sussex, and the 505th lowest pupil/teacher ratio in the South East region of the UK.
The 1 schools in Brighton and Hove operating with pupil referral units offer 60 PRU places to the local area.
9.76% Outstanding • 76% Good
0% Outstanding • 88% Good
Sixth Forms
50% Outstanding • 50% Good
Most of Brighton and Hove's primary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 31 schools or 76% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between good and high - about 24% and 22% of primary schools respectively - though we don't have data for approximately 17% of schools. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Brighton and Hove's primary schools most commonly have a high ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | KS2 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Aldrington CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 436 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
Balfour Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 842 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
High |
Bevendean Primary School and Nursery | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Very high |
Low |
Bilingual Primary School - Brighton & Hove | 4–11 yrs | 630 |
Good |
Very high |
Very high |
Brunswick Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 936 |
Good |
High |
High |
Carden Nursery and Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Good |
Carlton Hill Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 218 |
Good |
High |
Good |
City Academy Whitehawk | 2–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Coldean Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 406 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Coombe Road Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Cottesmore St Mary's Catholic Primary School | 5–11 yrs | 436 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
Downs Infant School | 5–7 yrs | 360 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
Downs Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 512 |
Outstanding |
Good |
Very high |
Elm Grove Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 436 |
Good |
Very low |
Very high |
Fairlight Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Very low |
Goldstone Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 654 |
Good |
Low |
Very high |
Hangleton Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 532 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Hertford Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 168 |
Good |
Low |
Hertford Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 212 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Good |
Hove Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 928 |
Good |
High |
High |
Middle Street Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Moulsecoomb Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 607 | |||||
Patcham Infant School | 3–7 yrs | 270 |
Good |
Very high |
Patcham Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 384 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Queen's Park Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 420 |
Good |
Low |
Low |
St Andrew's CofE (Aided) Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 654 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
St Bartholomew's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Church of England | |
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 218 |
Good |
High |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Roman Catholic | |
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
Catholic | |
St Luke's Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 630 |
Outstanding |
Very high |
High |
St Mark's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Low |
Church of England | |
St Martin's CofE Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 210 |
Good |
Low |
High |
Church of England | |
St Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 218 |
Good |
Good |
Very low |
Roman Catholic | |
St Paul's CofE Primary School | 4–11 yrs | 210 |
Requires improvement |
Very low |
Very low |
Church of England | |
Stanford Infant School | 4–7 yrs | 270 |
Good |
Very high |
Stanford Junior School | 7–11 yrs | 384 |
Good |
High |
High |
West Blatchington Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 445 |
Good |
High |
Very low |
West Blatchington Primary and Nursery School | 3–11 yrs | 445 | |||||
West Hove Infant School | 5–7 yrs | 896 |
Outstanding |
High |
Westdene Primary School | 3–11 yrs | 644 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Most of Brighton and Hove's secondary schools have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 7 schools or 88% of the total. Attainment is mostly split between high and good - about 50% and 38% of secondary schools respectively. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Brighton and Hove's secondary schools most commonly have a low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Blatchington Mill School | 11–16 yrs | 1,620 |
Good |
High |
Good |
Brighton Aldridge Community Academy | 11–19 yrs | 1,150 |
Requires improvement |
Good |
Low |
Cardinal Newman Catholic School | 11–18 yrs | 2,262 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Roman Catholic | |
Dorothy Stringer School | 11–16 yrs | 1,650 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Hove Park School and Sixth Form Centre | 11–18 yrs | 1,664 |
Good |
Low |
Very low |
King's School | 11–19 yrs | 1,050 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Christian | |
Patcham High School | 11–16 yrs | 1,125 |
Good |
Good |
Low |
Varndean School | 11–16 yrs | 1,301 |
Good |
High |
Low |
Most of Brighton and Hove's sixth form schools have been rated Outstanding by Ofsted, amounting to 1 school or 50% of the total.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College | 16–19 yrs |
Outstanding |
Varndean College | 16–99 yrs |
Good |
Most of Brighton and Hove's pupil referral units have been rated Good by Ofsted, amounting to 1 school or 100% of the total. Looking at the number of pupils assigned to a teacher, Brighton and Hove's pupil referral units most commonly have a very low ratio of pupils to teachers.
Name | Ages | Capacity | SEN Support | Ofsted | P8 Attainment | Teacher/Pupil Ratio | Religion |
Central Hub Brighton | 5–16 yrs | 54 |
Good |
Very low |